By We: Sunday, 14.10.2012 we finished and uploaded the latest news on to our homepage. It took us quite a while and at the same time we had to get ready for our trip to the mongolian-chinese border at Zamyn-Uud / Erenhot. We said goodby to Sybille and went into the city to again fill-up our gastank at one of the gas-filling stations. Winter has definitely come here in Mongolia and the temperatures are around zero during the day, and well below during the night! Further we needed some money (for Diesel) for the trip of almost 700 kilometers. Finally in the late afternoon we headed towards the east and southeast on the paved road A1101. South of Bayan we stopped for the night up and behind a small hill. Cloudy weather, cold. 136 km.
Monday, 15.10.2012 was a driving day. When we got up everything was slightly covered with fluffy, white snow. Not much, but enough to make me worry about the timing of our trip. We have to be at the border in the evening tommorrow, October 16th, since entry into China is scheduled for the 17th! Luckily we still had some 70 km of paved road ahaed before the gravel starts. But roads are not cleared or salted here, and so I was not sure how fast we could get on, even on the paved part. Luckily it was cold enough so that the snow did not stick on the asphalt too much and so the driving was not that bad. On we went on A1101/A1102 and after Choir the road turned into a bad track. A new road is under construction and partly we used it, even it was not opened or allowed. On we went on bad tracks and stopped shortly before it became dark some 40 kilometers northwest of Bayant-Ukhaa. After we had found a good spot behind some sandy hills it was time for Ro to prepare the diner. At first everything was as normal, but after some time the gascooker stopped working. We tried the gasheater, but it wouldnt work as well! So I started to look up the gastank, valves, etc but didnt find anything. I even called our expert Erhard in Germany via the Satellite phone to get any advice, but nothing helped. Luckily after some time we could get one fire working on the cooker with reduced power. There was not enough pressure available for a full operation, and the heating would not work at all. I suspect that some of the gas we have filled was possibly with a high content of butane instead of propane. Anyway, we managed to get hot food and a sleeping bottle, and prepared for a cold night. Even it was minus 9 degrees, we had inside Fidibus no less than plus 8 degrees – and in our bed it was always very comfortable. The good insulation and the wooden door towards the driving compartment proofed to be perfect and worth the investment! Cloudy weather, some snow, cold. 284 km.Da es immer heftiger regnet verlassen wir die heiligen Gemäuer. In einem Nudelhaus stillen wir den Hunger und wärmen uns wieder etwas auf. Zurück bei den Autos, ziehen wir uns wärmer an und laufen bei strömenden Regen in die Fussgängerzone. Der Appleshop ist das Ziel der Begierde für die Männer, der Supermarket das der Frauen. Einen Spaziergang durch die Essensstrasse Wangfujin wo man Skorpione, Seesterne, Käfer und anderes Getier gegrillt auf Spiessen kaufen kann, die Skorpione zappeln noch. Der Hunger ist hier schnell gestillt, igitt. Auf dem Rückweg zum Hotel besuchen wir eine Kirche, Frau Spring war noch nie in einer Kirche wie wir sie kennen. Der Gottesdienst, in englischer Sprache, wird gerade zelebriert und es hat erstaunlich viele Leute.